1. i am finding the sticky blogging SEO course very helpful. it seems that after all these years of writing, google is finally finding me. now all i have to do is find a way for my pages on the topics i want to rank for to show up! i guess i’m being picky. hahaha!

  2. Great article! And a great reminder for me as I step into the “blogging world.” Took your Sticky Blogging class, BTW, and have seen a considerable improvement in online engagement, so…thank you! But back to the question :-), the last thing I read that made me feel something was an email from an online influencer. She was sharing her personal struggle with confidence, fear of failure, and being visible online. Her story was so real, raw, and relatable that I was drawn in, and closed the email with a new respect and admiration for her transparency!

  3. I was just thinking about this the other day!! How can I make my content stick out? I love humor so I try to infuse it a bit everywhere, but this is really going to help narrow down my focus. The cheatsheet is also really going to help. Thanks!!

  4. I’m in the middle of the Blog Smarter program and feel lots of feels!

  5. The last thing I read that made me feel something was an Instagram post from Kari Samuels. “If you can’t remember what you’re passionate about, it’s probably because you’ve been trying to please other people.” That hit home.

  6. henabilal1@gmail.com says:

    The last time something resonated with me was your free course. After completing it, I felt like a super writer. I had it open the whole time as I created my next blog post. Thank you so much, Kelly. You’re amazing.

  7. Robin Hicken says:

    So so true, Kelly! Love the post and the resource – thanks for sharing!

    1. Kelly at StickyBlogging.com says:

      Thank you, Chandra!

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