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  5. Ah, gotcha! If you weren't logged in when clicking the link, the link wouldn't work, so that could be what happened. That's because the community is private to students only, so you must be logged in to access it. Hopefully you'll be all set now!
  6. Sorry Kelly, I was without wifi for a bit. At the time I was simply clicking the link provided and not getting anywhere. I'll go back to see if it works now
  7. @Melanie DewBerry Hi Melanie! I saw Heiddi tagged you above. Are you having trouble accessing the course area of the community? This link will take you straight there, if you're already logged in. Otherwise, you can log in, then click that link. Then if you click into the Announcements forum from there, you'll find lots of useful tidbits. 😊 Hope that helps!
  8. Start here. Where is here. Do yo mean in this comment section.
  9. @Melanie DewBerry Hi! Start here and be sure to let @Kelly Holmes know. Hope this helps!
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