Put SEO on autopilot.

When your blogging to-do list is overflowing, SEO tends to fall to the bottom.

You know you should be doing more to grow your search traffic, but you're not sure what that is. And even when you do manage to squeeze SEO in, you find yourself crossing your fingers and hoping your shot-in-the-dark pays off.

Don't you wish someone would break down the EXACT steps you need to take in your everyday blogging life to increase your pageviews from search engines?

This workshop is for you »


SEO on Autopilot:
The Workshop for Busy Bloggers

These days, blogging can feel like an impossible juggling act. Somehow, you have to find the time to create new content, update old content, stage photo shoots, produce videos, keep up with multiple social media platforms, write emails to your list, handle customer service issues, troubleshoot tech issues, and more.

And you're supposed to fit "grow search traffic" in on top of all of that?

Goodness knows you can't afford the time to wade through Google Search Console, Google Analytics, and Yoast every time you turn around. What you need is a clear, simple way to put SEO on autopilot.

But you're already busy—you don't have bandwidth for a course that'll take up weeks of your time.

After this live + recorded video workshop for bloggers, you'll have everything you need to integrate the best SEO power moves into your daily blogging life. And the next time you sit down to work on your blog, SEO will be second-nature instead of something "extra" to add to your stress.


11 am–12:30 pm Central

12 pm–1:30 pm Eastern

(convert to your time zone here)

Important: If you can't make it live, the workshop will be recorded.

$49 $27


Will this workshop help you?

If you find yourself nodding along to any one of these (or more!), this workshop is for you...

  • I understand the basics of SEO, but I'm having trouble fitting it into my daily blogging life on top of everything else
  • My search traffic is decent but not really growing much
  • I know I have great content, but I can't seem to get much traction on Google
  • I know how to research keywords and optimize a post, but beyond that, I'm not sure what I should be doing for SEO

If you can relate to any of the above statements, this workshop will help you grow your search traffic. Instead of trying to balance SEO on top of a teetering tower of to-dos, you'll have a clear, repeatable strategy to slide SEO right into your daily blogging life.

Google processes more than 99,000 searches every single second. Those are real-life readers looking for your content. Will they find it?


Here's a sneak peek...

Inside this live + recorded workshop, you'll get 10 practical SEO power moves to boost your search traffic, including:

  • The 5-minute step every blogger should take before updating any post to make sure you don't lose out on valuable search traffic
  • What to do when your search traffic suddenly drops (hint: the answer is not to fashion your very own Google voodoo doll)
  • How to make the most of a post that's ranking at the top for a juicy keyword—without disrupting your ranking position
  • The best way to decide on your next post to write so that you're primed for search traffic right out of the gate
  • Three simple habits you can implement on a weekly or monthly basis to nurture your growing search traffic

...and more. Ready to put your SEO on autopilot?

What bloggers are saying...

Sneak peek at SEO on Autopilot workshop

After attending the pilot version of this workshop, here's what bloggers had to say:

  • "I've needed a way to stay on top of my SEO performance and have been doing... nothing. 😉 Now, I have a doable plan for sliding this into my regular blogging work. Thank you!" – Kristen
  • "I've bought TWO different SEO courses over the years, and I've done a couple of lessons in each one but got overwhelmed and stopped. This workshop was exactly what I needed! Now, I know *what* I need to do (and when to do it) without having to wade through all the theory and background." – Julie
  • "Before I came to this workshop, I'm a little ashamed to admit I didn't know much about SEO. Keyword research is overwhelming to me. I filled out the fields in Yoast, and that's about it. But this was so refreshing because it didn't matter that I don't feel comfortable with keyword research. I can grow my search traffic without having to break my brain. Nothing felt over my head! This is something I can actually handle." – Lisa

What's inside...

This workshop is designed for busy bloggers like you who need to fold SEO power moves into your daily blogging life so they're second nature.

You'll get...

  • The Workshop
    In this live + recorded video workshop, you'll get the 10 SEO power moves, along with a clear plan for how they'll fit into your daily blogging life to help you grow your search traffic.
  • The Tracker
    Track your efforts and save time using this SEO tracker. With this easy-to-use template, you'll get an at-a-glance analysis of your search traffic so that you can make the most of limited blogging time.
  • The Support Group
    As a follow-up to the workshop, you'll get access to a private peer-to-peer support community (it's not another Facebook group!) where you can connect with other bloggers just like you who are putting SEO on autopilot. This is the perfect spot to share "aha" moments and lessons learned because we all know a rising tide lifts all boats.
  • The Down Payment
    Later on down the road if you decide to join my comprehensive self-paced Sticky SEO course, you can apply your registration fee for this workshop to the cost of Sticky SEO.

Kelly Holmes, Sticky Blogging

About Kelly Holmes, Your Instructor

I've grown my own site—a parenting blog—from nothing into a thriving business that supports my family of six. Four years ago, my husband was even able to quit his corporate day job to stay home with our four kids. (Bless him!)

But for more than 15 years before I started my site, I worked as a professional writer and editor at a billion-dollar company. My first quest in that job? Learn a programming language and teach customers how to use it. Customers who knew nothing about programming to start with.

This meant I had to get comfortable with highly technical concepts and tasks – quickly. It wasn't easy, but it helped me perfect the art of translating technical gobbledygook into something that actually makes sense to real people.

And that's exactly what I do inside this workshop.

Join me »

This is my guarantee to you.

Like all my courses and programs, this workshop includes a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

If you aren't satisfied within the first 30 days after the workshop, contact me and I'll work with you one-on-one until you're satisfied.

100% satisfaction guarantee


Got a question?

Is this training for self-hosted WordPress bloggers only?

The techniques we cover inside the workshop do not require any particular blogging platform. This workshop is designed for bloggers on any platform, including Blogger, SquareSpace, Weebly, Wix, WordPress, and more.

How is this workshop different from your SEO course?

The Sticky SEO course is a comprehensive self-paced course that teaches you everything you need to know about growing your search traffic, from the basics to the next-level strategies.

If you need a quick step-by-step process for integrating the best SEO techniques into your daily blogging life, this workshop is focused on that specific goal.

With that said, some of the strategies covered inside this workshop are also addressed inside Sticky SEO. For that reason, if you decide to join Sticky SEO at a later date, you can apply your registration fee for this workshop to the cost of Sticky SEO.

What if I already have your SEO course?

As a Sticky SEO alum, you can join this workshop at a special alum rate. Email me at kelly@stickyblogging.com for details.

How much time will this workshop take?

The live video workshop will take approximately 1.5 hours to watch—or less than that if you catch the replay at 1.5x speed. And if you have to stop at any point, you can pause the video and come back later to pick up where you left off.

Before the workshop, you'll also receive an optional pre-work module. That module should take you anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes, depending on what you already have set up on your site.

Do I get lifetime access to the workshop and pre-work?

Yes! You get lifetime access to the workshop recording and all pre-work materials inside your course dashboard.

Will I need any special tools or programs to go through the workshop?

No. The tools we discuss inside the workshop are all free.

If you don't yet have Google Analytics and/or Google Search Console set up for your site, you'll receive a pre-work module before the workshop to lead you through how to set those tools up.

Ready to stop stressing about SEO?

Join me in this workshop, and I'll lead you through the process of putting SEO on autopilot, every step of the way.

$49 $27