Let's demystify GA4.

Google Analytics 4 makes you feel like you need a Master's degree in Data Science just to check your pageviews.

Everything is renamed, and nothing is where you expect it to be. But unfortunately, you can't stick your head in the sand because Universal Analytics has stopped collecting data.

Don't you wish someone would tell you exactly what you need to know (with no technical jargon!) so you can check your stats and get back to your real work?

Here's your GA4 crash course »
Pre-Recorded Training: GA4 Crash Course With Kelly Holmes (Plus Cheat Sheet)

GA4 Crash Course for Content Creators

Why does Google have to go and change everything?! You weren't exactly in love with Universal Analytics, but you knew enough to get by.

Then Google steamrolls over you with Google Analytics 4. So you're left hunting and pecking around 27 different reports and still not finding what you want. GA4 feels like it was designed for big corporations with whole teams of data scientists—not for an individual content creator like you.

And yet, analytics are important. You need to track your site's performance so you can amplify your successes and react to speed bumps before they become more severe downturns.

Here's the good news: After this pre-recorded video training, you'll know how to get exactly what you need out of GA4.

Will this crash course help you?

First, a couple caveats:

  • This training assumes you've already set up Google Analytics 4. (Although, if you are stuck on the setup, I'll point you to a quick setup tutorial before your training.)
  • This training is not a comprehensive course with eleventy billion videos to wade through. Instead, our goal is to get you comfortable with GA4 quickly so you can do what you need to do in order to be successful.

So if you find yourself nodding along to any one of these (or more!), this training is for you...

  • I've already set up GA4, but I can't seem to find what I need in it—I feel like I'm floundering
  • Every time I open GA4 and try to figure it out once and for all, I end up giving up after a few minutes
  • I know the basics about GA4, but I don't know how to make the most of features like custom reports or conversion events

If you can relate to any of the above statements, this training will help you get a handle on GA4. Because when you keep a finger on the pulse of your site's performance, you can head off downturns and build on your successes.

But...do you even need GA4?

What would honestly happen if you just...didn't use Google Analytics 4? Would your site crumble to the ground?


However, here are a few situations where getting more comfortable with GA4 will pay off for you:

  • Suppose you check your monthly pageviews and see that they've taken a sharp decline. Thanks to GA4, you quickly discover that it's actually just your Google traffic that's taken a plunge. Now you have a heads up and can start working to fix that. But if you didn't check your stats for several months, it might be too late to turn the boat around.
  • Let's say you pay an assistant $300 a month to do all your Pinterest work for you. But when checking GA4, you discover that your traffic from Pinterest is 10,000 sessions a month, even with all that work they're doing. With your ad RPM around $20, that means you're making only $200 a month in ad revenue from your Pinterest traffic. Knowing that will help you make the best decision about where your assistant should be spending their time to boost your income.
  • Every time summer rolls around, you have one post that goes wild, but your ad revenue is way lower on that post than your other posts, plus it's not driving many sales of your product that's mentioned in the post. In GA4, you can see how much time users are spending on that page and compare that to other pages. Because if you can make a few tweaks to keep readers on that page longer, you can amplify your success and generate more revenue.

Here's a sneak peek...

Inside this pre-recorded training, you'll know how to get exactly what you need out of GA4, including:

  • A printable map of your go-to Universal Analytics views to their GA4 counterparts so you don't have to waste time hunting around for what you need
  • How to create a custom report in GA4 so that if your favorite UA view didn't make the cut, you'll still have access to the data you're interested in
  • Three 5-minute tweaks to your GA4 settings that will help you get the most value out of your site's analytics
  • Why setting up conversion events is the best way to track your efforts to grow your mailing list (and how to do it, of course)
  • A handy cheat sheet of Universal Analytics terms and their equivalent in GA4 so the new lingo won't trip you up

...and more. Ready to tackle GA4 to the ground?

What content creators are saying...

Sneak peek at SEO on Autopilot workshop

After attending the pilot version of this training, here's what content creators had to say:

  • "Kelly broke down all the things—like she does!—and she walks you step by step through exactly what you need to know in GA4. This training will save you a ton of time and frustration with GA4. I'm going to be watching again because it was so useful." – Kendra
  • "Thanks to Kelly's training, I can finally wrap my brain around GA4. I'm not the quickest when it comes to learning all the technical stuff that comes along with this business, and the reports and tracking usually give me hives. But after Kelly's teaching and encouragement this morning, I dipped a toe in, and it's already making more sense. Plus, I feel a whole lot more comfortable navigating my way around!" – Jody
  • "In this crash course, Kelly outlines the basics that every blogger needs to know about interpreting the default GA4 reports. In simple, easy-to-understand terms, she explains new GA4 terms and how they compare to their Universal Analytics counterparts. After one hour, you'll find you have a much better grasp on what GA4 offers you and where to find your new reports. Kelly even shows you how to create event triggers!" – Gretchen

What's inside...

This training is designed for busy content creators so you can quickly get what you need from GA4—and get back to what you do best.

You'll get...

  • The Crash Course
    In this pre-recorded video training, you'll get what you need to be successful in GA4, including which reports will give you the information you're most interested in, how to create custom reports, and the best way to track how many visitors convert to subscribers and purchasers. Plus, you'll discover new features that will help you evaluate which content is performing best with your audience.
  • The Cheat Sheet
    Use this one-stop cheat sheet to help you find where all your favorite Universal Analytics views moved to in GA4, plus to help you translate the UA terms you're familiar with to the new GA4 versions.
  • The Support Group
    As a follow-up to the training, you'll get access to a private peer-to-peer support community (it's not another Facebook group!) where you can connect with other content creators just like you. This is the perfect spot to share "aha" moments and lessons learned because we all know a rising tide lifts all boats.
Kelly Holmes, Sticky Blogging

About Kelly Holmes, Your Instructor

I've grown my own site—a parenting blog—from nothing into a thriving business that supports my family of six. Five years ago, my husband was even able to quit his corporate day job to stay home with our four kids. (Bless him!)

But for more than 15 years before I started my site, I worked as a professional writer and editor at a billion-dollar company. My first quest in that job? Learn a programming language and teach customers how to use it. Customers who knew nothing about programming to start with.

This meant I had to get comfortable with highly technical concepts and tasks – quickly. It wasn't easy, but it helped me perfect the art of translating technical gobbledygook into something that actually makes sense to real people.

And that's exactly what I do inside this training.

Join me »

This is my guarantee to you.

Like all my courses and programs, this training includes a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

If you aren't satisfied within the first 30 days after the training, contact me and I'll work with you one-on-one until you're satisfied.

100% satisfaction guarantee


Got a question?

I'm not sure I set up GA4 correctly. Will this training help me figure that out?

Because every site is different, we can't troubleshoot individual site setups during this training. However, if you're unsure whether GA4 is set up correctly for your site, I'll share a tutorial to help you troubleshoot that before you watch the training.

Is this for self-hosted WordPress sites only?

The techniques we cover inside the training do not require any particular blogging platform. This training is designed for content creators on any platform, including Blogger, SquareSpace, Weebly, Wix, WordPress, and more.

How much time will this take?

The video training takes approximately 1.5 hours to watch—or less than that if you catch the replay at 1.5x speed. And if you have to stop at any point, you can pause the video and come back later to pick up where you left off.

Do I get lifetime access?

Yes! You get lifetime access to the training recording and all materials inside your course dashboard.

Will I need any special tools or programs?

No. The tools we discuss inside the training are all free.

Ready to tackle GA4 so you can move on?

Join me in this crash course, and I'll lead you through how to make the most of GA4 as a content creator.